Last post about this I stopped by talking about the first two games in the series. It's really simple: Zelda II comes after the first one. I'm going to now talk about the next two games that released after the classic NES games. Those two games are A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening. These games are also said to follow each other but Link's Awakening is a pretty strange game. Well, let's start off with A Link to The Past.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
This game completely changed how Zelda works. This is the game where they introduced the Master Sword for the first time and really made the Zelda series into a formula. This game has some really interesting parts that have to do with the timeline.
This is one line said by the one of the seven maidens that really interested me. You rescue this maiden after defeating Blind the Theif. I am unsure exactly what this means, but my interpretation of this line probably means this is the last hero that Hyrule will ever need. Which is why she probably says that to Link.
The same maiden tells him that he has the potential to become the Hero of legend. I'm unsure as to what this exactly means. If she had said that he can become the Hero of THE Legend that would mean this has happened before, but the same thing can be brought from the line that she says here. In that case we know that this has to come after the first two games.
Something else that I realized when thinking of a timeline is how on Earth did Ganon come back if he died in the first game and his minions were unable to revive him. Well, keep that thought in the back of your mind for a later point in time because that will make more sense later in my description.
Also, Ganon straight up explodes at the end of the game. He isn't sealed away between dimensions or banished to the Twilight Realm. No, he explodes because he is shot by a silver arrow. Why do I point this out? Just keep checking back on the blog for updates and it will become more relevant.
One more thing to point out is where the master sword is. It's in the Lost Woods, right? This is pretty significant in the timeline so I'll explain the importance of this later. Now it's time for Link's Awakening.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Okay, this is probably the strangest Zelda game in the series. It takes place in a whole new world that we have never seen. First of all, they have electricity. That was probably the most strange to me. How do I know there's electricity? Well there's phones, right? This brings me to my next point: This land has discovered telecommunication! Pretty advanced, right? Alright, so that's just why this game is strange so let's get on with the story. (Don't get me wrong though, this is one of the best games in the series)
Basically, your off at sea and you are in a storm. You wind up on this strange land and these people kindly give you your shield and you go to the beach and get your sword. Now the adventure begins. You go to this forest to meet an owl that tells you if you wanna get off the island, your gonna have to awaken the Windfish or something (it's been a while). So you do that and you go back off to sea.
There's very little as to where this game fits in the timeline, but it's safe to assume at this point that it comes after A Link to the Past.
Well that's two more games down, only like ten to go. Keep checking the website for updates (subscribe if you want). I'll be back with another update of the timeline tomorrow.